Most recent work

browser window screenshot of the moviepool app

MoviePool App - React

A responsive Single Page Application for movie lovers that want to be able to access information about movies and, once signed up, manage their favorite movies. It's the frontend to the Movie API.

browser window screenshot of the api swagger documentation

Movie API

A RESTful API that serves as the backend for the MoviePool App. The very simple database was also built by me and is hosted on MongoDB Atlas.

browser window screenshot of the pokemon checker app

Pokémon Checker

A small, responsive web application that fetches data from an external PokéAPI, displaying Pokémon names as a list and Pokémon details via a modal.

browser window screenshot of the Meet App PWA

Meet App

Serverless PWA in React, using a TDD approach. The application has implemented authentication and authorization and uses the Google Calendar API. This app is currently not verified so one can only see its content if added to test users in Google by me.

browser window screenshot of the Chat App

Chat App

A Chat App for mobile devices (phones) using React Native, which lets users take an image, share an image, share their geo location and re-read their messages while being offline.

browser window screenshot of the Portfolio Website

Demo Portfolio Website

Demo portfolio website that includes information about me and has mini features of the main projects I've created during CareerFoundry's Full-Stack Web Development Program.

browser window screenshot of the moviepool app angular

MoviePool App - Angular

Responsive MoviePool App in Angular, that has been built analogue to previously built MoviePool App in React. It's an app for movie lovers that want to be able to access information about different movies. It's the frontend to the Movie API.